A Raspberry Pi anyone?

I had to order some switch gear for my obsy and made up the order with a Pi 3 B+, with no clear idea of what I was going to do with it.

I know TSX has a version that runs on one, I was wondering, for simple souls, has anyone tried the free Win10 iot OS on the Pi with SGP?

My understanding is that the IoT Windows OS is headless and made to be tethered to a Visual Studio installation or deployed to remotely…not a windows that you can actually remote into. However, that was about 2 years ago when I last looked into it…so not sure what the current status of the IoT version is.


Windows IoT Core only supports installation of UWP apps - SGP is a Win32 app, and therefore won’t run on Windows IoT Core. There are some other interesting uses for your RPi - one of which is to run an AllSky camera - then tie that to Tektite Skies to have a combination all-sky camera that automatically creates nightly videos, plus with Tektite Skies, you can have a cloud sensing camera that integrates with the Safety Monitor in SGP. I used GitHub - thomasjacquin/allsky: A Raspberry Pi operated Wireless Allsky Camera for the camera code, and Tektite skies is here: http://www.mcdougalltech.com/page1/page1.html

Dave, that is very interesting. I bought Tektite skies a while back but I eventually gave it up as I could not get it to work with my Starlight Xpress cameras. I have recently got a CMOS ZWO camera, so maybe I need another go.
I feel like a challenge, so I will try again with the Pi.

Setting up the pi for the Allsky camera is pretty straightforward. The instructions will get you there. The one thing that I found with the Allsky is that my ZWOMC120 camera is somewhat noisy at the default settings. You’ll likely need to update your camera gain, exposure and contrast settings to optimize the image. “Auto” may work for you, just have to try. I also have not been aggressive enough with deleting old data (the “archive after xx days” option IIRC) so I’ve had my microSD card fill up, which causes the whole setup to stop working. Just something to note so you avoid that problem.

We’re using that exact software on a PI at MaRIO in Marathon TX. Sadly we’ve been having some networking issues but hope to get those resolved in the next couple of weeks so we can actually use the camera. But setup was pretty straight forward. We certainly haven’t “tuned” the settings yet as we haven’t been able to use it under normal circumstances.