Abort Sequence Request

To recoup the topic on the Early 4.0 news, here’s a request:

“A Button “Abort with End of Sequence events” if it clouded up or you just want to finish for tonight would really be nice. Regardless of how many frames left to do in the Sequence and without recovery attempts.”

And additionally: “A further improvement would be for this button to work while a sequence is not running”

Ian G

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  • 1 for this function.


I assume you are asking for this for convenience and not because there is a misconception that this is currently not possible?

I think the main ask is that it can happen out of sequence. Maybe you aborted the sequence and didn’t run End of Sequence options and now you just want a lazy way to have things shutdown for the night.

The functionality exists during the sequence, “Pause Sequence” will ask you if you want to run End of Sequence options. But no way to effectively do a “shutdown” when outside of a sequence.


Here’s my scenario, which is actually pretty much what you’ve described. I paused the sequence (without running End of Sequence events) in hope to have a better sky conditions. Watched another episode of “Young Pope”. Sky did not improve after 50 min or so. So, I want to run end of Sequence at this point. But I can’t… Sequence is paused already. I actually tried to restart it and immediately to pause again, at which point SGP froze on “Pausing Sequence”. If I had a said Button, it would run End of Sequence events. Much simpler for me than do all the things manually.
Thanks! Ian.

@Ian_G this has been added and will be out in the next Beta. You can find it in the Sequence tool menu:



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Perfect! It is only for the 3. version though, is 2.6 getting an update?
Thank you!

Yes, only for version 3.