Another step forward & things just another bit easier :-) Changes:
•Implemented “Disconnect all equipment at sequence end” option (found in sequence settings)

Just love this…tried it out tonight. Weather was not good enough for imaging but good enough for some testing and this new enhancement worked a treat. Great for us Dummies that can’t write scripts.

Of course it opens the door for further requests - I guess you seen that coming :-). This feature does not carry from one instance to the next (i.e. if SGP shut down today…unlike some other settings, this particular “switch” needs to be turned on again for the next imaging session. Perhaps that is how it is designed, but I would think that those that will use this feature may want it on, if not always, than at least more often than not. We’ll watch see if anybody agrees.

Next up for consideration would be the other side of the coin - connect all equipment on sequence start. This purely so that if I want to start a sequence at midnight…I can have my power control, power up the mount, camera, filter wheel, powered hubs etc. just before time and as the sequence starts it will connect to the equipment, cool the camera & start as normal. Again, not being able to write a script…this would be another huge step forward for me and possibly others.

The ‘connect all equipment before sequence start’ is not a feature request as such…just throwing open an idea. I well know how busy you guys are and how much the software has evolved over the last few years. My first reason for starting this thread was to say thanks for making another step in the nights tasks just that little bit easier.

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Not exactly sure what you mean here. That this setting is not saving as part of the sequence or that the setting is not present in profiles (so new sequences have this option unchecked)?

Unless I am not fully understanding, this already exists. SGPro will, upon sequence start, determine if the sequence has a dependency on particular gear and connect it for you without user action.

A little while ago, I shut down a sequence and then shut down SGP…clouds now rolling in. I started SGP again to grab this screen capture…

I note that “Run non-light event…etc” has carried over from my last time using SGP but although “Disconnect all equipment…” was checked last time, it has not ‘stuck’ as a permanent choice.
My question was whether or not this is as designed and if so would not most users want this as an ongoing choice for most if not all sequences. (Could it not be part of the sequence options…same as ‘running calibration frames’?)

N.B. I think (and will have to check again) that if one starts a new sequence (without actually shutting down SGP), then this setting will remain active…it just disappears if there is a program shut down and restart.

As for…[quote=“Ken, post:2, topic:5263”]
Unless I am not fully understanding, this already exists. SGPro will, upon sequence start, determine if the sequence has a dependency on particular gear and connect it for you without user action.

I am red faced on this one :blush:. Until now (not having IP Power control) I always went out and started things manually…first powering up the various equipment and then manually connecting to SGP. I have not tried starting a sequence while not actually controlling that start…but that is about to change. Happy to admit that I jumped the gun and requested something that was already there…again a blush! :blush: