Ansvr - 70 instances of cygwin1.dll on my pc

Recently, ansvr stopped functioning. I found the following on the ansvr log, *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0x3208408/0x3198408… The message instructed me to look for all instances of cygwin1.dll and deleted all but the one in cygwin\bin. I searched and found 70 of them. Is ansvr creating these instances every time I run it?

The ansvr installer installs cygwin under C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\cygwin_ansvr and the install includes a single copy of cygwin1.dll in the bin sub-folder. Ansvr will never access any copy of cygwin1.dll from any other location on your PC, and ansvr will never put any files anywhere else on your pc outside of the cygwin_ansvr folder.

Any other copies of cygwin1.dll you found in other folders are related to other applications that you have installed. Many applications besides ansvr use cygwin1.dll. Once common example is Cartes du Ciel. If you delete CdC’s copy of cygwin1.dll CdC will probably stop working.

I found the following on the ansvr log, *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0x3208408/0x3198408

Other reports of that error in the past have turned out to have been caused by interference from anti-virus programs, and the solution has been to change anti-virus program settings or to switch to a different anti-virus application.

It’s unfortunate that the error message you got directed you to remove other copies of cygwin1.dll as doing so probably won’t solve the problem and could cause problems with the programs that are using those other copies of the dll. It does seem unusual that you had 70 copies though; I’d be surprised it you had 70 applications installed that used the dll. Was there anything unusual about the location of the 69 non-ansvr copies? For example were they all in an anti-virus quarantine folder or something like that?

Thanks Andy for getting back. The search showed the instances were located within appData\local\Application Data\Astrometry. Oddly enough, the folder Application Data doesn’t show up in File Explorer. In any case, I have deleted the folder and uninstalled ansvr. Hopefully, it will work again after I reinstall. I’ve been having issues with Platesolve2 and have been blindsolving. Possibly because of a long focal length.

ok, thanks for the info. I can confirm that those are not ansvr, must be something else, I’m not sure what.

I uninstalled/reinstalled ansvr and its working again.