[Autofocus] Allow different binning for different filters

The autofocus already lets us define different exposure lengths. However, could we have the same ability to set different binning for each focus.

I ask because it would make autofocusing with very narrowband filters much quicker without impacting on the quality of focusing on wide band filters.

For narrowband we recommend using the focus offsets and using a Lum (or similar) filter for the actual focusing. Even at 3x3 on my 4nm filters the AF exposures were about 3 minutes a piece to get enough data for adequate focusing. I did this once to setup the offsets and haven’t looked back!


I’m consistently getting good autofocus with 5 and 10 second exposures with a 3nm filter at 4x4. (1 second with lum at 2x2)

Others are reporting 30s at 2x2 for the same filter so I still think this is a simpler solution than offsets and swapping filters.

I mentioned this on SGL as something I would find useful. As it stands at the moment I don’t find offsets massively reliable and I believe that better focus is achieved using the filter being used in the imaging run.

To this end, I use 2x bin for focussing, this is fine with broadband filters, 8s per exposure. However when using narrowband 3nm filters I am using 45s exposures to get anything like a decent number of focus stars. I could increase to 3x bin, but if I do tnis I have found that the focus in luminance at 3x is a bit unreliable.

So if I do lum and Ha in the same sequence, I have to keep the same binning for all the filters. It would be great to be able to specify a different binning for different filters.

It is my belief that:

  • This is highly dependent on field. If it is star poor, you will need to go much deeper.
  • Even though the data may appear as “good” visually, the algorithms we use are far more likely to be deprived of data in narrowband.
  • Running AF at 4x4 will reduce resolution so significantly that results of AF are not reliable.

These are my beliefs… mileage may vary.