AutoFocus LofViewer comesup with error message

I recently had to reinstall Windows 10 on my notebook. Today I installed the AutoFocus LogViewerV1.21 and tried running it, but it keeps on coming up with the following error message:!AiJtNazoGA2vgrtPPMKxFzr9Uz-z3g?e=3xctTl

Here’s a Logfile from last Saturday, just in case there’s an issue with the file and not the Viewer:!AiJtNazoGA2vgrtIxOzWo_grRWXM-g?e=aLffXw

I’m using SGP, but the error occurs with older Logs too.

Would appreciate it if someone could help. Thanks.

You will want to tag @mikaelA for this.

I’ll try to solve this as soon as I get back home next week!

Btw, did it work on your old Win 10 setup? And what are your regional settings?


Thank you Mikael. I did some checking and the app works with logs created till around the 18th. or 19th. of December 2019:!AiJtNazoGA2vgqEwFrCILInNCiiUcQ?e=41cOVt - This one works.

If I’m not mistaken, I upgraded to or 428 at the time and none of the Logs created since then work.
I’m based in Germany and my language setting in Win 10 is German. My notebook is up to date with all windows updates.


Hi Allen,

I got the time to look at the issue. In fact this was corrected in December, see the posts here: SGP AF Logviewer v1.2 Release - #14 by mikaelA - Auto Focus - Main Sequence Software. You simply need to re-download and re-install v1.21 from here:


Hi Mikael,
thanks for getting back o me. I am using version 1.21, as can be seen in the screenshot attached above. I uninstalled it and re-installed it again. Seems to work now. Probably something went wrong during the first installation.
Sorry to have bothered you. Thanks.