Cannot import Observation plan from DeepSky Planner

As with ver.16 Ver .17 SGP crashes when trying to import a DSP plan.

There appears only one way to create a txt file in DSP and that is via the export menu. Not sure if this is the cause however. The Txt file seems to contain all the correct data though as far as I can tell.

Not a huge issue though…


If you can post the DSP plan and SGP log we can take a look.


Hi Jared,

Files attached.

Johntestplan.txt (1.1 KB)

I believe this feature is only available in version 7 and is part of the “export” functionality.

The file you sent looks like it’s coming from version 6 and is an observing plan. Not an export format.


Yep, appears that way Jared. No intention of forking out more $ for v7. As I said earlier not a huge issue, I’ll just copy n past from the text file generated by the obs plan.

Are you able to provide the SGP import data format. I might be able to run a macro in excel to convert/re-arrange text from DSP.

