Conditional Auto Focus if HFR > X

I’ve started using a staircase event sequence with my LRGB images, like RGBLBGR - taking L frames at the highest target elevation for the night. This results in 7 filter changes. I AutoFocus on each filter, and it can take 3 to 5 minutes. That’s a lot of imaging time, especially for some targets that are only visible for an hour or two between local obstructions.

If I establish AutoFocus per Filter settings, and a Temperature Compensation curve, I’m wondering if logic like this is possible:

  1. Filter changes -> Start AutoFocus routine
  2. Take an AutoFocus image and measure HFR
  3. If (HFR <= X), declare AutoFocus success and return to integrating images
    Else Run AutoFocus V-curve routine

The idea is to skip the 3 to 5 minute autofocus run if focus is already as good as it’s going to get.

The “X” values for HFR could be stored per filter, perhaps initialized by the first run of AutoFocus for the night?
