Error Capturing during frame and focus


i newly purchased a QHYCCD camera (QHY183c to be precise) and upon connecting it and using the frame and focus function, i keep on getting “Error capturing during frame and focus”. i have tried 2x2 binning and i don’t get this error message, however the image that comes is very gray.

i have uploaded a snap shot in the below dropbox link for you to look at and advice


What is your USB download speed set at in the ascom camera settings?

USB read out is 30. assuming that read out and download speeds are the same

Hello nospheerato, I have the same CCD ( QHY 183C ) + SGP and on my end, everything works fluently,
could you check ? if you are using the latest drivers from QHY by using the DRIVER CHECKER from QHY incl. the latest ASCOM driver from QHY?



Hey Martin,

got busy lately and couldn’t find time to post. One thing i wanted to mention that i am running windows in a VM environment on my MacBook using parallels Desktop.

I am not sure whether this is part of the problem.

Hi nospheerato,

I can dimly remember, that I had this error message during a session several month ago. Not at every frame and focus image, but very often. I cannot exectly remember, if I just restarted SGPro, or if I did a reboot of my laptop. But after execution of one of these actions, I have never seen this error message again.

Hope the problem can be solved in the same way for you.

Best regards


I am getting the same issue as well I am using a QHY128C with all the latest software