Gain Not Set


Even though I have not changed my practice, and I start with setting up my ASI camera with Unity Gain, SGP has started acting like gain was not set when it populates the name of the image file. I have looked at the log file and in it I see that all values for gain are either blank or zero, but not at all the gain associated with unity gain on the ASI. I am able to check the gain setting using other software such as Fit Liberator indicates a gain of 120 which is associated with unity gain, I believe.

The log file and a sample image file are located here.



Well the gain was not set in SGP. It was set in the ASCOM driver. We populate gain in the filename based off of what was set in SGP and the gain in the FITs based off of what is read from the camera. If you set the gain in SGP these values should be the same (assuming the camera respected the gain we sent in).

Having said that, it makes more sense to pull the gain off of the camera if it is not set in SGP. So I’ll change this behavior.


Thanks, Jared. I think it will be a good improvement.
