Heart and Soul

That’s right… from last October. I got my hands on a brand new FSQ-106 and thought it would be great idea to do a 2 panel mosaic of the heart and soul.

Overall, I’m pretty happy with the scope (and reducer)… very fast, lots of field.

I actually still enjoy doing this stuff… thanks for looking.



acquired with Maxim DL? :relaxed:

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Geez Ken, why don’t you do something productive while on your sabbatical?
:grinning: Fantastic image and I’m glad you are finding the time to do something

Lol, is this a joke I’m missing?


I forgot the smiley on the end…

Super image!

As per my normal process, I let the image sit for a few days without looking at it, then with fresh eyes make some final improvements. In this case, I was able to really enhance the contrast found in the dust and silicates without making the whole image opaque and chunky. Pretty happy with the results.

Here is the new hotness:


Here is the original:


Dang Ken, that’s just crazy. Who knew you were such a good imager when
you’re not writing code! :grin:

Thanks Joel.

I actually am writing code, just the stuff I like or find interesting though (very low stress stuff). So far I have added:

  • Manual tile dimensions entry to the MFW. Now, if you now you are going to do a 2x2, you just enter that and then fit stuff however it makes sense (vs continually redrawing until you happen to get a 2x2 grid)
  • Per filter AF override. You can still pick a filter to use to focus with for all filters, but now you can assign individual filters other specific filters for AF override. For instance, if you have a CFW with a LRGB and Ha setup (a pretty popular galaxy setup), you can now assign LRGB to use themselves for AF and then assign the Ha filter to LUM).