Image Download Problems Atik 16200

Continuing the discussion from Atik 16200 Image Download Problem:

I have been having slow download and download failures during image capture in SGP. I use an Atik 16200 camera with EFW 3 filter wheel. My mount is a Paramount ME and my telescope is a TEC 140.
The problem is intermittent and the majority of frames are downloaded in under 25 sec. Atik quote a download time of 18 sec.
However, I find that some frames can take several minutes to download and at least 1 frame per sequence over the last few nights has failed completely to download. SGP then reruns the frame which usually downloads OK but very occasionally the failed frame has to be run again. Originally the camera connected to a USB 2.0 hub. I changed this to a top quality 5 metre direct USB cable from the telescope to the computer. The problem continued in the same manner.
I am relatively new to SGP and would welcome any advice on how to improve matters

Further to my message above please find a Dropbox link to the most recent logfile. The problems occurred around 23.00 to 23.15 on 4 June and around 02.50 to 03.20 on 5 June.
I could provide other sequence logfiles if necessary when similar download problems occurred.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Hi Eric,

You should avoid settings that make the system ask the camera to abort an exposure. There is a long story behind that, but you should first take care of this:

That settling time should be twice the exposure time in PHD2. You might also help this by setting a short pause between exposures – “Delay between”:


@Ken & Jared

These log entries are somehow suspect:

Could it be that an older, aborting thread is crossing the actual, just starting thread?

Kind regards

Hi Horia,

Thanks for this. I was suspicious of the interaction of PHD with SGP as a possible cause and your kind reply points in the same direction. I will follow your suggestions and hopefully see the end of the problem.

Best wishes
