Latest version - says I have 20 days left?

I seem to recall a email saying here is the link to new 3.0.

Its no longer beta? - Anyway it’s been a BUSY month and I acquired a little NUC computer and installed SGP on it. It says it’s going to expire and seems to be a beta. Where can I get the latest for paid users that won’t expire. I’m quite sure I used my license when installing it on the Nuc.

The only 3.0 I see listed is beta. I’m using a nexdome and want the latest with rotation bug fixed.

3.0 is still in beta. If you want to keep using V3 they will release a new
beta before the current beta expires. You can always download V2.6 and use
that forever. I believe that 2.6 and 3.0 (beta) can be installed
concurrently, meaning you can have both versions on your computer.
However, if you want to use 2.6 I would recommend uninstalling V3 before
installing 2.6.

ok - so it’s normal to expire even with my license code.

I’ll live with it - does everyone else’s CRASH unpon exit? not a big deal at this point.

Well, not quite. Your V2 license does not expire. You either have V3 installed, or for some reason your V2 license didn’t register.

What version of SGP are you using?