Mosaic managing a Plate Solving, you can even without internet connection?

Hello to all,
wanting to try this summer, but NOT having internet access, SGP can manage Plane Solving and consequently Mosaic Panels?

Clear skies …

Dario from Italy

Yes. Ansvr runs a local copy of the solver and PlateSolve2 also runs using local data.

You need a reasonably good internet connection to download the data files etc., but once that’s done you can run without the internet.

Thank you,

what is the link to download the entire library from


Follow these directions for installing
ANSVR local plate solver to your computer and configuring SGP to use it.

Follow these directions
for setting up PlateSolve2.

Hi Joel,

Thanks for the valuable information.

I ask one last thing: wanting to try before they buy SGP (only because for me it is very complicated to learn it), in the first 45 days, there is also including “Framing and Mosaic Wizard”?

I believe the Framing and Mosaic Wizard is also included as a trial for 45

With the initial Trial of SGP everything can be tested (Framing and Mosaic Wizard, Notification System, etc). After you purchase SGP you can start another trial of any of the Add-Ons as well. So you can effectively use any of the add-ons for 90 days.
