Notification System Problem

Anybody out there have any idea as to why I am suddenly getting this error message?? It has been running just fine for over a year. Thanks !!

Anybody ??? Jared, Ken ??? HELP…Please ??

I don’t really know so take this with a grain of salt, but it looks to me like your email/text server is rejecting the message. So I guess the first thing would be to ask if your server username and password changed recently? If you changed the password somewhere else it would also need to be changed here.

thanks Joel. I checked and the PW is correct. Last time I had this problem it was my virus/firewall , but that doesn’t seem to be the problem this time. IDK

WHOOPS…just thinking…I bought a new cellphone recently . Went from apple to android . Would that mess things up ?? I don’t have a problem getting my emails from the new phone.

As long as you’re on the same network with the same phone number and same
login credentials, I don’t think changing phones would necessarily mess
this up. If you send yourself an email to does it
come through as a text on your phone?

as long as it ends in , it works fine if I send myself an email. Still won’t work using SGP . Like I said, last time it was a Virus protection /Firewall problem but I don’t know what the heck it is this time.

do you think it has anything to do with Run as Administrator ?? I tried both ways and nothing.

I just tried my gmail acct. they send me a txt saying they blocked it. Do I need to change something in my gmail or hotmail acct that is blocking the attempt ???

Would appreciate any and all suggestions with this on going problem . Anybody ?? Jared ?? Ken ?? Help ???"

Should I try downloading a “new” Notification System ??

From what I’ve seen gmail blocks practically everything and it seems impossible to change it. I’d use a decent email account that allows attachments.

thanks Chris. I have been using hotmail with no problem then all of a sudden BAM !! Maybe it is a hotmail security issue with attachments ??

Well, I have tried everything a few dozen times and still no luck. I am using the latest and greatest version of SGP. Everything works great, even the problems I had with flipping and centering have gone away. YES !!

However the notification system still will not work …same error message every time . I would appreciate HELP from anyone out there …even Santa if he has the time . Happy Holidays to All !!!