Question about purchasing SGP

I have been evaluating SGP 3 and I would now like to purchase it. Your manual says:

"When you purchase SGPro, an account will be created automatically and sent to your email address. This
is the account you will use to log in to the Main Sequence Software site and also to register machines for
use of Sequence Generator Pro."

Elsewhere on your site I read that the account I will use to manage my license will use my Paypal email address.

I already have an account on the Main Sequence Software site using the same email address as I use on Paypal, although there are no SGP licenses associated with it. I assume therefore that it will not be possible for you to automatically create an account with that email address.

Will your site use my existing account for the license I want to purchase? If not, what do I need to do? I don’t see an option to delete my existing account before using Paypal to purchase the license.


Our website needs some updating since the SGP3 release :tired_face:

You can use your existing account. Here are the instructions that detail the current registration process:


Thank you Jared.

As a new user (weather conditions have only allowed me to complete one session with SGP during the evaluation period), I find that SGPro has numerous features that make it worth the price. The plate solving ability and the ability to use plate solving to sync the mount and center a subject are right up there at the top for me. I suspect I will find even more value in it as I use it more.
