SBIG Error message

Just moved back to my other mount running an SBIG 2000 XM.
All equipment connects fine, camera, filter wheel, focus motor and mount.
Start running an SGP focus routine and I get the following error message:

“SBIG: Error while fetching customer options! :UNKNOWN_COMMAND.”

Keeps repeating.
Swapped cameras with my SBIG 2000 XCM same message.
Can anyone shed any light on what’s prompting this.
I’m running SGP

The computer isn’t connected to the internet might that be the reason for the message?

Any ideas much appreciated.

Hi Stargeezer,

I had the exact same error with an STL-11K the other day in the screen, after updating to SGP, but also in the logs with an entry of :
[Camera Thread] SBIG Error while fetching customer options!: UNKNOWN_COMMAND .
Searching for it on google and in here didnt produce a single result!

After updating the SBIG drivers via its own utility the error stopped.
In my case, the utility SBIGDriverChecker64 needed to be updated also, since it was quite old and kept saying : Everything is up to date…

Old driver version was -> SBIG Driver name: SBIGUDrv.DLL Ver 4.75 Build 26 (you can see yours in the SBIG utility or the SGP log) which is ancient :slight_smile:
Latest version is Version 4.97 Build 1 1/6/2017 i think.

Hope that helps,

Hi Silios,

Very kind of you to reply.
Brought the computer up to the house to get on line.
Downloaded the 64 bit driver checker from the SBIG site, ran it told it to update and it updated the driver files as well. Just put it back and connected…Running perfectly.:slight_smile: Hooray!!!
You’re a star !
Many many thanks indeed!

Good news!

Clear skies :slight_smile: