Sequence Generator Beta is Released for Test

Sequence Generator Beta is Released for Test

Hello! Welcome to the 3.X beta for SGPro. As always, we aim to ensure that even our betas are stable, but please know that we do find bugs during this process.

You can find the beta here:

Sequence Generator


  • An issue where a failure to auto-slew (slew only option) to a location during target start would not terminate the sequence.
  • An issue where image file name data might be stale (belonging to the frame before it)
  • An issue where dither every n frames would dither before and not after that frame
  • An issue where every frame attempted to settle regardless of dither occurring. Expected behavior is that settle will be forced if there is a dither, but if the current auto guider error is above the settle tolerance, then settling will be enforced regardless of dither.
  • Aborting sequence while waiting should not cause slew on abort
  • An issue where some sequences would fail to open and cause SGPro to crash
  • An issue where SGPro could crash on exit
  • An issue where non-Light frames might go through analysis for Image History