Sequence Generator Pro Beta is Released for Testing

U P D A T E D   O N   M A R C H   9 th,  2 0 1 7

Hi folks,

SGPro is a beta release. While we love that many of our users are eager to help us test, make sure you are a fairly knowledgeable SGPro user before hopping onto the beta track. Changes:

  • Reintroduced the initial solve process to the front of the auto-meridian flip routine (notice there is no attempt to sync here) to get a proper post-flip reference. This should address a problem that could cause subsequent centering routines to be “off”
  • Fixed a bug that, in some cases, could cause the “Pause Sequence” button to become permanently disabled.
  • Another random attempt at trying to correct the odd sequencer window scaling issues. This attempt completely disables the vertical sizing feature just to see if it makes any noticeable difference in how the problem presents itself. Just looking for clues at this point…
  • Added Nikon NEF files to the supported image “drag & drop” list.
  • Additional logging to get more details on random DSO-Browser list import failures.
  • Additional logging for MFW canvas fetch that might fail (maybe due to regional formatting changes… not sure)

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