Sequence notifications obscure menus

Is there any way to stop the big notification banners appearing? I was trying to do rapid short exposures and the exposure complete banners completely obscured the right hand side of SGP, preventing me accessing the tabs I had down the side of the screen.


I don’t believe there is currently a way to hide those notifications, and I second this request.


It would be great to have a user definable duration for the display of those banners, with a minimum of 0 seconds, ie don’t display. I find the banners useful to confirm or otherwise certain actions, but I completely agree that they are on screen for far too long.

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+1 please!!!

Several of us in a local club are experimenting with short duration subs from light polluted area’s. When your doing 10sec exposures the screen fills up fast.

It is even worse when they are 0.1 second subs!

Yes, we certainly plan on removing some of these notifications. Right now it’s too chatty.
