Sequence run OK, SGP landed in an endless loop

Tonight I had continued the M51 sequence. The target was planned to stop at 4:30 and everything worked without a hitch. In the morning the telescope was parked, the equipment in PHD2 was disconnected. SGP was still connected but responsive. I could disconnect everything, save the sequence and close SGP. All in total a perfect run.

A short look at the nightly log showed that after ending the sequence SGP got into an endless loop saying:

[19.04.2016 06:27:21] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Wait for meridian: Mount cannot flip normally and is not quite past meridian, waiting…

The complete log: (82.0 KB)

Is this OK so?


Thx for the report. This is an issue where we did not stop the timer that was checking to see if it was OK to perform the flip. It is a timing issue so it is hard to reproduce, but I think I have it fixed… (available in the next beta… or better). We will consider adding this to the current 2.5.0 release if it becomes problematic.

Thank you Ken.

It would be nice to also have SGP, at the end of the night and after doing whatever end of sequence actions are necessary, to save the sequence and then disconnect the equipment. It might be that this is already in there, I do not know.
