Sequence start does not initiate PHD2 guider - bug

SGP 2.4 Beta 2, PHD2 2.4.1b Win 7 64-bit

Ken, Jared, if I start a sequence with autocenter/slew enabled in the sequence settings, after the slew/center, PHD2 starts cycling, calibrates and guides.

If I repeat this experiment but disable autocenter/slew center at start of sequence, it does not work, with the error message that I need an autoguider etc.

This is an extension of the existing bug report that does not recognise that a guider is connected and guiding - but it seems only if the autocenter/slew is disabled for start of sequence.

Moving this to the bugs section. I have also confirmed what Buzz said. If autocenter is enabled in the target settings the sequence will start just fine with PHD/autocenter etc. If autocenter is disabled in the target settings the error message about no guider appears.

This issue has been closed