Setting a custom park?

Thanks for this Chris - It was pointed out in the thread earlier, but as a computer Luddite, you may as well ask me to walk to the moon rather than know what to do or how to do anything with this script LOL! I remember scripts being something that you learnt for school plays - That’s where my knowledge of the word ends I’m afraid LOL!

Thanks Chris. I’d support this being incorporated into SGP somehow.

It may be worth learning a bit of coding, enough to be able to modify this sort of program (aka script). Rather like learning to drive becoming essential in the late 20th Century.
It’s easy for me to say this, I’ve been working with computers since about 1967…

The ability to set park for the telescope (and dome if sslaved) has been added to SGPro (docking module and in the CP)

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I should also mention that I removed the “Nudge” buttons from the dockable module. They were not all that useful and took up valuable screen real-estate (more useful stuff can go into this module… for example a new button that lets you set the park position… If you really want or need to use nudge buttons from SGPro (almost everything in SGPro is designed so you don’t need to use them), they are still present in the CP.

Excellent Ken. Thank you.

Great news! Thanks for looking into it and taking the time to add it … much appreciated!

Which docking module would this be?
Will we have to wait for the next release?

Sorted! many thanks

It will be in the Telescope Module.

It will be in the next beta.



I have just discovered this post.
I have been imaging for years with CCD Comm. and Maxim, and some months ago decided changing to SGP.
I’m very happy with it.

But I have a problem:
In my old configuration I used PothHub as hub, and set the Parking Position with it.
After some months, I changed to Eqascom 5/6 as Telescope Hub and tried for nights setting the Parking position, but it was impossible. Until I discovered the reason: The position was always override by the old PothHub defined position!!. Then I set it again in PothHub, and I’ve been working OK since then, indeed after migrating to SGP.

But this weekend I had a problem with the Meridian Flip (I read in another post there is a problem with the eqmod driver, etc…) and I lost the scope position. I downloaded the last 1.28k eqmod driver and changed Epoc to 2000, but after that I realized that the Park Position was wrong!.

I tried to define it again:

  • Plate solve with SGP and Eqmod.
  • I move the Telescope to the desired parking position.
  • I open Poth Hub, connect to Scope, I press “Set Park” with PothHub…
    … and it changes the pointing direction! It thinks I’m in the southern hemisphere, changing +50 DEC to -50!.
    The solved position disappears, and I have to begin again!!

Today I have just read this thread and my question is:
With the Scope Module in SGP it would be possible to define the Park Position overwriting the position defined in PothHub? If so, it should be great!!.
I don’t want to use Poth Hub! I will try tonight, if clouds permit it.


Well, I have remotely made a try… and I think that changes in 1.28k (compared to 1.27d) make the Park Position work perfectly. When defined in Eqmod, the position is definitively saved. So there is no question about PothHub…!!