Setting USB Hub Limits

I’m having downloading problems and the forum suggests lowering the usb hub limits. How or where do I find these settings

Can you describe your USB connections. I have not heard of hub limits but I do know from experience that some USB hubs work better than others. If you are daisy chaining hubs, it can add to the propagation delay too.

buzz,I just have one hub, but I know they don’t all behave the same way. The hub limit issue came from what the forum members said is a race condition between the fast frame guide camera and the fast frame & focus with the main camera. They suggest setting it around 45, default is 90. It can be set using the “wrench” icon next to the camera selection. I haven’t changed mine yet. I’m going to try another computer with enough USB’s so I won’t need a hub.Thanks.Gary

I assume you are using a video camera then for guiding? I’m using QSI and Lodestar cameras on a USB 2 shared with everything else without issue.

No, I’m using an Orion guide camera, but the frames are 1.5 seconds, close to 1 sec frame & focus.

Oh - if you are using a subframe on the guide camera, the overhead should be small. FWIW, I use StarTech industrial USB 2 hub. It works very well indeed and uses the NEC chipset I believe. My friends had issues with various other hubs and when I lent them my spare, their problems went away. They are expensive but usefully run off 12Volts, making them easy to integrate into the scheme of things. My 7-way hub is handling the mount, QSI camera, guider, focuser, power control system, observatory controller, cloud detector, weather stick and all-sky camera.