SGP and ZWO ASI1600

Each time I begin imaging (in the field or at home for calibration frames) I begin the sequence and SGP aborts the sequence. This occurs on my Minix miniPC as well as my Dell laptop both running Win10. The log states something about errors reading the camera or something. Attached is the latest log (before I went out of town). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.sg_logfile_20170414171407.txt (27.5 KB)
sg_logfile_20170414214635.txt (26.4 KB)

Another issues (let me know if I should open another post or not) is that out in the field, I’ve wasted three nights recently as SGP will not read my filter wheel (Starlight Xpress 5-position 2" USB). It worked before without any problems but SGP would only give an error while trying to connect. Might be in the above log or I’ll have to find that one.

This log had issues with connecting to my Rigel Systems focuser
sg_logfile_20170414221258.txt (23.1 KB)

Looks like the errors coming from your camera are ok. It looks like the main issue from the first 2 logs is that your telescope is throwing an exception when we ask for some things. Unfortunately we’d need the telescope logs to see what is going on there.

As for the focuser it seems that something else is connected to it on the same com port or SGP cannot access the com port for some other reason.


Thanks for taking a look! I don’t think my scope makes logs. I’m far from computer savvy, but I think I have issues with SGP (or ASCOM or my laptop) issuing ports to my equipment. If things aren’t plugged in EXACTLY how they were last session, it gives me errors. And it happens even if I do have things plugged in the same way. The different logs I uploaded are from different nights. One night it won’t connect to the focuser, then, lately, its been my filter wheel that is giving me trouble. A few times it was the mount. SGP error is something like can’t connect to equipment or port or something. Is there something within the computer that I can assign ports too (if this is my issue)?

So SGP/ASCOM doesn’t actually hand out ports. Windows does this. And yes, if you plug in the same USB2Serial converter into a different USB port you are VERY likely to get a different port assigned. This is likely the issue you’re having. You’ll need to go through and set the ports each time you plug things in. Sometimes they’ll be the same, other times they won’t. You can pull up the device manager and look under ports and it should have them listed. It can be a little difficult to figure out which ports are connected to which thing. The best option is just to plug one thing in at a time and watch for a new port to appear.

This is one of many reasons why Serial needs to die…but it’s easy and convenient so it remains in use.

You can go into the Windows Device Manager and set ports but this can be problematic if something decides it wants to assign itself to that port (for some reason). I would generally recommend not assigning the COM IDs yourself.

Hope that helps,