SGP, Platesolving and Driving to the Target does not work

Hello, Im new in this Forum, and i want to say sorry, for my bad English.

My Name is Cyyrex, and im testing out Sequence Generator Pro, with the free Trail of 45 days. I got much Problems.

but heres my step how i settet up SGP:

the pixelscale got alerdy changed to 1,02.

daniel 3 daniel 4 daniel 5

but now to my problems, i asked in an other Astronomy forum why Sgp is not working for me. I got Problems with the Target, if it Slewing to my objekt like Messier 3, or Messier 81. And with the Platesolve (using Platesolve2)

  • Exzellent Polaralign, and then i used the newest EQmod Version (EQAscom HEQ5/6) and sync it to an star. Then the Objekt, which i test for the reason that the Alignment for EQmod works. And the objekt was centred in the middle. I slew to the park Position, and connected the Mount, and my Canon EOS 77d, it works. I Created an Targett, (m3)
    with the correct j2000 coordinates, put the cross in the light, (with 30s exposure and 800 iso) and the mount is slewing to m3, but the object is not centred, then the “spiral search” was About 189 steps……. and it couldnt platesolve fine, although the object was approached in the middle via Eqmod. But not in SGP??, an other Forum says, my Settings are correct. Pls help me.

Platesolve Cataloges got uploaded, just on my main PC.

using the UCAC3 cataloge.

When you install SGP, the Platesolve program is included and you are supossed to only download the data files and not the Platesolve program.

Platesolve data files: you can download UCAC· or APM, you only neeed one of them.

Done that, you have to indicate SGP where those files are in this window, eithet APM or UCAC3:


But, for me, instead of Platesolve, I prefer ASTAP. It has worked much better, and can be downloaded from

