SGPro Multiple shutdown requests ignored

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Useful Info

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
.NET: 4.8


SGP ignored at timed shutdown, ignored a safety sutdown while in recovery mode

*The sequence was set to end at 11pm but for some reason continued past, at some point went into recovery mode, and at 4.30am i was forced to close it down even tho Unsafe was showing, multiple "do you want to run end of sequence popups apeared.

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There are 2 issues here… One of them belongs to SGPro and the other seemingly belongs to your camera. The rest of the stuff in the logs is all related. Everything starts with a normal guide star lost recovery…

From SGPro:

The recovery failed due to an inability to use the camera (more on this below). At this point, the centering routine should have terminated the centering routine and ended the sequence, performing full shutdown. For some reason, this did not happen… SGPro hung on the recovery failure and the sequence stopped running. There are no clues as to why this happened, but I took a guess and added some resiliency for forcing the dialog closed and added additional logging so if this does not resolve the issue, we can answer more questions.

From your camera:

It seems your camera was in a bad state and was no longer usable. At 22:01, the guide star was lost and SGPro aborted the camera’s exposure. This all went fine. Then when SGPro attempts to use the camera during recovery, the camera times out and refuses to do anything except say that it is still exposing… even 4 minutes after the exposure should have ended. This seems like the camera entered a bad state after the initial abort. You should report this to the camera’s ASCOM driver author.

The camera issue may have been a loose USB plug, I have taken steps to sort this out, I am on another imaging run now, same target, same settings, we will see how it goes.

If you are able to reproduce, can you take a screen shot of what SGPro looks like before closing windows?

It ran without issue to a timed finish.

ok, thx. It’s not surprising… the issue you saw was very “timing” specific.

There is an attempt to resolve this issue in When I say attempt, I mean to say that I am not sure why auto center hung, and 405 is much more aggressive about making sure it doesn’t.

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