Solve errors (not within 25% of scale)

Help! I am getting a message from plate solve that says “Solve might be bad! Solved scale is not within 25% of scale hint. Checking ‘Continue the sequence and attempt blind solve failover’ will continue the sequence, otherwise the sequence will be aborted”.
I have tried both checking and unchecking. If i do check it, nothing happens and SGP locks up. If i don’t check it, SGP still locks up and nothing happens. I have to run Task Manager to shut it down and immediately restart. Here is the funny thing, after SGP moves the scope and takes the first plate solve image, it is DEAD on the target. I know this because as soon as I restart SGP, I shoot a frame and focus image and it will be EXCATLY where I centered it on the framing and mosaic wizard. Everything else is running fine with no issues (except it occasionally cannot connect to focuser on first attempt but always on the 2nd). I am running Windows 10 with latest SGP on it. ASI1600-MM camera. Losmandy G11 mount with Gemini 2 controller. Telescope is a ED127. All information appears to be entered correctly on Equipment Profile and the directories are correct. Whats next?


sg_logfile_20171125182731.txt (374.5 KB)

The first thing would be to address the pxel scale issue. Take one image and let solve it. Write down the pixel scale and update your profile. Do not forget to “apply profile to sequence”.


thanks but I am not seeing anywhere that it is calling out the pixel scale. Below is what i am getting back from Am I missing something?
The pixel scale set in the settings is 0.62"/px (1x1) which is what was loaded originally on my lap top prior to changing over to this new computer for imaging.


2017-11-28 21:19:29,239 Starting Job processing for Job 2339499
2017-11-28 21:19:29,240 Creating directory /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0233/02339499
2017-11-28 21:19:29,242 submission id 1839829
2017-11-28 21:19:29,245 running: augment-xylist --downsample 2 --tweak-order 2 --scale-units degwidth --scale-low 0.1 --wcs wcs.fits --out /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0233/02339499/job.axy --image /home/nova/nova/net/data/files/uploaded/d66/d66508a27e5cdde572ac0731c401cd31cf491e1c --rdls rdls.fits --scale-high 180.0 --corr corr.fits
2017-11-28 21:19:36,118 created axy file /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0233/02339499/job.axy
2017-11-28 21:19:36,118 command: (echo job-nova-2339499; tar cf - --ignore-failed-read -C /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0233/02339499 job.axy) | ssh -x -T an-nova 2>>/home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0233/02339499/log | tar xf - --atime-preserve -m --exclude=job.axy -C /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0233/02339499 >>/home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0233/02339499/log 2>&1
2017-11-28 21:19:43,678 Solver completed successfully.
2017-11-28 21:19:43,678 Checking for WCS file /home/nova/nova/net/data/jobs/0233/02339499/wcs.fits
2017-11-28 21:19:43,678 WCS file exists
2017-11-28 21:19:43,682 Created TanWCS: <TanWCS: CRVAL (79.048085, 34.357707) CRPIX (1975.532845, 1786.079316) CD (-0.000019, -0.000216; 0.000216 -0.000018) Image size (4656.000000, 3520.000000)>
2017-11-28 21:19:43,715 SkyLocation: <SkyLocation: nside(128) healpix(13061)>
2017-11-28 21:19:43,718 Created Calibration Calibration 1445799
2017-11-28 21:19:43,827 Finished job 2339499

Wait. Actually I think I just realized something. I set the pixel scale in the profile based off of my 8" SCT and not for the refractor. It was originally set for 2032mm/fl., thereby being .62 I didn’t calculate for the refractor’s 952mm. Now I feel stupid…I’ll change this and check it out next clear night. I think this would solve it after I thought longer about this.