Temperature activated autofocus with Sesto Senso 2

Hello. I’m a new user of SGP and I love it! Very impressive software and amazing to see it automate so much of what I’ve been struggling with for years. Thank you! There’s just one feature that I wish could be there. I have a newly installed Sesto Senso 2 Robotic focuser from Prima Luce Labs for my Takahashi 106EDX4. It all works beautifully except for one feature. I have the external temperature sensor for the Sesto Senso 2, which correctly displays the air temperature under the focus Control tab in SGP. But the temperature sensor is not available as an Environmental Sensor in the main Sequence Generator tab. Hence, when I attempt to run the autofocus routine triggered by a given temperature change, an error message warns me that I need to have an environmental sensing device connected. Would it be possible to request the Sesto Senso 2 temperature probe to be made available as an Environmental Sensing Device? I’m hoping this might be possible as the regular focus control tab already correctly displays the environment temperature; it just needs a link across to the main Sequence Generator Environmental Device tab. I live where the temperature frequently swings by more than 20 C each night, so this would be SO useful!

If the temperature is displaying correctly on the focuser then that means it is not (at least as SGP is concerned) an External Temperature Sender. So you shouldn’t need to use the environmental device. My guess is you have this setup and you don’t need it setup that way.

To to the Focus Tab and then “Other” and Uncheck the option to use an environment device:

Thank you,

Hi Jared

AAH! I never thought of that! I had assumed that an environmental device was required for autofocus temperature sensing. In typical fashion it’s now cloudy and pouring with rain, but I will try unchecking the environmental device option next clear night. Thank you for the great tip and my apologies for my confusion.

Most of all, thank you for the amazing SGP platform; I am still reeling from the shock of how capable SGP is.

Best regards
