Startup ASCOM Device Conformance Checker - 64bit mode Startup ASCOM Platform 6.3 CheckForUpdates Checking for Conform updates with 10 second timeout 10:33:39.335 CheckForUpdates INFO This version of Conform is: 10:33:40.604 CheckForUpdates INFO The production version of Conform is: 10:33:40.619 CheckForUpdates INFO You already have the most up to date version of Conform ConformanceCheck ASCOM Device Conformance Checker Version, Build time: 1/9/2017 9:44:32 AM ConformanceCheck Running on: ASCOM Platform 6.3 ConformanceCheck Driver ProgID: ASCOM.ASICamera2.Camera Error handling Error number for "Not Implemented" is: 80040400 Error number for "Invalid Value 1" is: 80040405 Error number for "Value Not Set 1" is: 80040402 Error number for "Value Not Set 2" is: 80040403 Error messages will not be interpreted to infer state. 10:34:15.186 Driver Access Checks OK 10:34:15.915 AccessChecks OK Successfully created driver using late binding 10:34:16.892 AccessChecks OK Successfully connected using late binding 10:34:16.900 AccessChecks INFO The driver is a COM object 10:34:17.541 AccessChecks INFO Driver does not expose interface ICamera 10:34:18.449 AccessChecks INFO Device exposes interface ICameraV2 10:34:18.502 AccessChecks OK Successfully created driver using driver access toolkit 10:34:19.370 AccessChecks OK Successfully connected using driver access toolkit Conform is using ASCOM.DriverAccess.Camera to get a Camera object 10:34:19.432 ConformanceCheck OK Driver instance created successfully 10:34:20.374 ConformanceCheck OK Connected OK Common Driver Methods 10:34:20.453 InterfaceVersion OK 2 10:34:20.489 Connected OK True 10:34:20.524 Description OK ASI Camera (1) 10:34:20.570 DriverInfo OK ASI Camera (1)6.0 10:34:20.614 DriverVersion OK 6.0 10:34:20.656 Name OK ASI Camera (1) 10:34:20.698 CommandString INFO Conform cannot test the CommandString method 10:34:20.714 CommandBlind INFO Conform cannot test the CommandBlind method 10:34:20.732 CommandBool INFO Conform cannot test the CommandBool method 10:34:20.749 Action INFO Conform cannot test the Action method 10:34:20.775 SupportedActions OK Driver returned an empty action list Can Properties 10:34:20.849 CanAbortExposure OK True 10:34:20.864 CanAsymmetricBin OK False 10:34:20.881 CanGetCoolerPower OK True 10:34:20.898 CanPulseGuide OK True 10:34:20.919 CanSetCCDTemperature OK True 10:34:20.945 CanStopExposure OK True 10:34:20.964 CanFastReadout OK False Pre-run Checks Last Tests 10:34:21.123 LastExposureDuration OK LastExposureDuration correctly generated a .NET exception before an exposure was made 10:34:21.135 LastExposureStartTime OK LastExposureStartTime correctly generated a .NET exception before an exposure was made Properties 10:34:21.251 MaxBinX OK 4 10:34:21.279 MaxBinY OK 4 10:34:21.307 BinX Read OK 1 10:34:21.335 BinY Read OK 1 10:34:21.375 BinX Write OK Exception correctly generated on setting BinX to 0 10:34:21.388 BinX Write OK Exception correctly generated on setting BinX to 5 10:34:21.405 BinY Write OK Exception correctly generated on setting BinY to 0 10:34:21.421 BinY Write OK Exception correctly generated on setting BinY to 5 10:34:21.431 BinXY Write OK Successfully set symmetric xy binning: 1 x 1 10:34:21.447 BinXY Write OK Successfully set symmetric xy binning: 2 x 2 10:34:21.462 BinXY Write OK Successfully set symmetric xy binning: 3 x 3 10:34:21.470 BinXY Write OK Successfully set symmetric xy binning: 4 x 4 10:34:21.482 CameraState OK cameraIdle 10:34:21.520 CameraXSize OK 4656 10:34:21.551 CameraYSize OK 3520 10:34:21.587 CCDTemperature OK 18.6 10:34:21.622 CoolerOn Read OK False 10:34:21.663 CoolerOn Write OK Successfully changed CoolerOn state 10:34:21.677 CoolerPower OK 0 10:34:21.716 ElectronsPerADU OK 1.56848971248581 10:34:21.754 FullWellCapacity OK 102792.54179747 10:34:21.799 HasShutter OK False 10:34:21.844 HeatSinkTemperature OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:21.891 ImageReady OK False 10:34:21.962 ImageArray OK Exception correctly generated when ImageReady is false 10:34:21.983 ImageArrayVariant OK Exception correctly generated when ImageReady is false 10:34:21.998 IsPulseGuiding OK False 10:34:22.036 MaxADU OK 65535 10:34:22.070 NumX Read OK 4656 10:34:22.116 NumX write OK Successfully wrote 2328 10:34:22.140 NumY Read OK 3520 10:34:22.177 NumY write OK Successfully wrote 1760 10:34:22.203 PixelSizeX OK 3.8 10:34:22.246 PixelSizeY OK 3.8 10:34:22.284 SetCCDTemperature Read OK -10 10:34:22.346 SetCCDTemperature Write OK Successfully wrote 0 10:34:22.385 SetCCDTemperature Write ISSUE Setpoint could be set below absolute zero! 10:34:22.402 SetCCDTemperature Write ISSUE Setpoint could be set to 100 degrees! 10:34:22.421 StartX Read OK 0 10:34:22.459 StartX write OK Successfully wrote 2328 10:34:22.468 StartY Read OK 0 10:34:22.506 StartY write OK Successfully wrote 1760 10:34:22.516 SensorType Read OK Monochrome 10:34:22.536 BayerOffsetX Read ERROR Sensortype is Monochrome so this property must throw a PropertyNotImplementedException; it must not return a value 10:34:22.553 BayerOffsetY Read ERROR Sensortype is Monochrome so this property must throw a PropertyNotImplementedException; it must not return a value 10:34:22.569 ExposureMax Read OK 2000 10:34:22.586 ExposureMin Read OK 0 10:34:22.601 ExposureMin OK ExposureMin is less than or equal to ExposureMax 10:34:22.619 ExposureResolution Read OK 1E-06 10:34:22.635 ExposureResolution OK ExposureResolution is less than or equal to ExposureMax 10:34:22.652 FastReadout Read ERROR CanFastReadout is False but a PropertyNotImplementedException was not thrown 10:34:22.668 FastReadout Write ERROR CanFastReadout is False but a PropertyNotImplementedException was not thrown 10:34:22.685 GainMin Read OK 0 10:34:22.702 GainMax Read OK 600 10:34:22.719 GainMinMax OK Both GainMin and GainMax are readable or both throw exceptions 10:34:22.738 Gains Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 10:34:22.753 Gain Read OK 100 10:34:22.771 PercentCompleted Read ERROR .NET - This property must not throw a PropertyNotImplementedException, it must return a value 10:34:22.789 ReadoutModes Read OK Mode0 10:34:22.805 ReadoutMode Read OK 0 10:34:22.827 ReadoutMode Index OK ReadReadoutMode is within the bounds of the ReadoutModes ArrayList 10:34:22.856 ReadoutMode Index INFO Current value: Mode0 10:34:22.887 SensorName Read ISSUE This member is mandatory but threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception, it must function per the ASCOM specification. Methods 10:34:22.995 AbortExposure OK No exception generated when camera is already idle 10:34:25.030 PulseGuide guideNorth OK Synchronous pulseguide found OK 10:34:27.083 PulseGuide guideSouth OK Synchronous pulseguide found OK 10:34:29.148 PulseGuide guideEast OK Synchronous pulseguide found OK 10:34:31.210 PulseGuide guideWest OK Synchronous pulseguide found OK 10:34:31.261 StopExposure OK No exception generated when camera is already idle Take image full frame 1 x 1 bin 10:34:33.859 StartExposure OK Asynchronous exposure found OK: 2 seconds 10:34:33.874 LastExposureDuration OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:33.899 LastExposureStartTime OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:34.618 ImageArray OK Successfully read 32 bit integer array (1 plane) 4656 x 3520 pixels 10:34:41.046 ImageArrayVariant OK Successfully read variant array (1 plane) with System.Int32 elements 4656 x 3520 pixels Take image full frame 2 x 2 bin 10:34:43.785 StartExposure OK Asynchronous exposure found OK: 2 seconds 10:34:43.796 LastExposureDuration OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:43.817 LastExposureStartTime OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:44.031 ImageArray OK Successfully read 32 bit integer array (1 plane) 2328 x 1760 pixels 10:34:45.520 ImageArrayVariant OK Successfully read variant array (1 plane) with System.Int32 elements 2328 x 1760 pixels Take image full frame 3 x 3 bin 10:34:48.200 StartExposure OK Asynchronous exposure found OK: 2 seconds 10:34:48.210 LastExposureDuration OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:48.237 LastExposureStartTime OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:48.312 ImageArray OK Successfully read 32 bit integer array (1 plane) 1552 x 1173 pixels 10:34:48.965 ImageArrayVariant OK Successfully read variant array (1 plane) with System.Int32 elements 1552 x 1173 pixels Take image full frame 4 x 4 bin 10:34:51.707 StartExposure OK Asynchronous exposure found OK: 2 seconds 10:34:51.722 LastExposureDuration OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:51.745 LastExposureStartTime OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 10:34:51.790 ImageArray OK Successfully read 32 bit integer array (1 plane) 1164 x 880 pixels 10:34:52.084 ImageArrayVariant OK Successfully read variant array (1 plane) with System.Int32 elements 1164 x 880 pixels StartExposure error cases 10:34:52.168 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for negative duration 10:34:52.228 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for X size larger than binned chip size, Bin 1x1 10:34:52.276 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for Y size larger than binned chip size, Bin 1x1 10:34:52.320 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for X start outside binned chip size, Bin 1x1 10:34:52.363 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for Y start outside binned chip size, Bin 1x1 10:34:52.443 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for X size larger than binned chip size, Bin 2x2 10:34:52.479 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for Y size larger than binned chip size, Bin 2x2 10:34:52.520 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for X start outside binned chip size, Bin 2x2 10:34:52.578 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for Y start outside binned chip size, Bin 2x2 10:34:52.622 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for X size larger than binned chip size, Bin 3x3 10:34:52.667 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for Y size larger than binned chip size, Bin 3x3 10:34:52.718 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for X start outside binned chip size, Bin 3x3 10:34:52.778 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for Y start outside binned chip size, Bin 3x3 10:34:52.824 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for X size larger than binned chip size, Bin 4x4 10:34:52.860 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for Y size larger than binned chip size, Bin 4x4 10:34:52.896 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for X start outside binned chip size, Bin 4x4 10:34:52.931 StartExposure OK Exception correctly generated for Y start outside binned chip size, Bin 4x4 Post-run Checks 10:34:53.061 PostRunCheck OK Camera returned to intitial cooler temperature Conformance test complete Your driver had 5 errors, 0 warnings and 3 issues