Another issue with 245


What version of Windows are you running?

Windows 7 Pro.

This is a virtual Parallels installation on MacBook Pro. However, every version of SGP worked to date w/o any problems.

This is not an urgent matter for me by the way. My observatory computer is a native windows machine, an intel NUC, running W7. This will probably run w/o problems there but I want to make sure before I install it there… I’m in no hurry so please take your time…


All good… there are, unfortunately, other reports of this. That last log file you sent led me right to the issue. I am pretty sure this should work fine for you… not 100% sure though (there could be cascading errors here). If it works, I’ll go ahead and release it.

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I think you nailed it Ken! It’s up and running. Good job!

Here is the log file:

sg_logfile_20190922021653.txt (23.1 KB)