Daylight Saving - Apply to Sequence

Weird, some targets it has worked, others not, but they all have altitude lock applied

Keep in mind that, due to the resolution of sample points on the ephemeris, the time value may not move over a single (or possibly several) nights. The behavior here is not really checking to see if the time moved, but rather, “is it still correct-(ish)”? If the time value for an altitude locked target falls out of sync, then there is a problem. The little “chainlink” icon will display as broken when the altitude and time cannot be synced. That said, it is certainly possible that an issue exists here… I can look, but will need approximate lat / lon to check.

Well it didn’t start off well, the mount went West Pointing east! Need to make some changes to start times!

I have noticed a bug in that part, if SGPro is left open past midnight, the sequence will not change the times of the events with the altitude lock, I had left it open for a few days, and my time for Crescent remained static, even after reloading the sequence