Sgp keeps crashing

Slightly bad new perhaps?
I am running SGPro (not yet licensed as I am trialling to see if it is easy enough for a numpty like for me to use :))

I’ve been following the thread around crashes when taking calibration frames.

Tonight is attempt to setup a sequence and I have found that taking darks, with canon 70D, crashes id I use FITS+RAW, it seems fine with RAW. 15s exposure, 60 second delay first, 60sc between with 10s mirror settle time set

Once I have figured out how to get logs and post I will do so.

Logs are on the help menu. Just upload to Dropbox and post a link :yum:

I want to close the loop on this, I finally was able to isolate my “Rx timeout” issue: it was a grounding problem. Unless the mount, camera, computer, etc is all connected to the same power source (Ex same AC power strip) , SGP would display a “Rx timeout” message and stop or crash, most likely during short and fast frame/focus runs.

Very straighforward to reproduce: if I have the camera and mount connected to DC (battery) and computer to a different source (AC outlet, DC/AC inverter from different battery), the error messages come back quickly ( and zero errors over hours of imaging time otherwise).

So you were right, somehow sems like grounding issues cause Tx/Rx losses that naturally seem to be causing connection issues.

Lesson: check your ground connections .

PD: it’s been months already and I love SGP.

Just seen this post pop up and although it is an old post, it is worth following up with a suggestion. One problem with the plug-in-the-wall power supplies (most often the switched mode ones) is that their output floats. I hate them with a vengeance. In practice, the USB 0V line is often acting as the tie between devices, but that is not good practice and can create big induction loops that pick up mains or worse, RFI.

I constructed an interface box, into which I put all the small modules and hubs. Although it has two DC power inputs (clean and dirty), they share a common star-point 0V, which is then earthed. That seems to fix things.