ASI 1600MM download time


I’m experiencing very slow download times with ASI 1600MM camera. It’s taking about 8-10 seconds to download the images. While with other cameras this may seem ok, the download times with this camera should be pretty faster.

Using other programs (i.e. sharpcap) I can achieve easily 1.5 fps (yes, I’m on usb2), so it’s not hardware limitation. This is a very bad situation, since I’m using 3-5 seconds integration time, so I spend most of the time waiting between captures.

Image history is off, of course.

sg_logfile_20161204231312.txt (87.4 KB)


By the way, it seems the time flows like this:

2s in place memory conversion
2s saving -> 16mb/s
4s showing preview (yep, big image)

I’m having the exact same problem. Sharpcap gives video framerates, sgp takes several seconds to download an image. Also, since sgp refuses to leave the camera cooler on when you disconnect (whether or not you tell it to) it takes about 20 mins to switch programs because you have to warm and then cool your camera back down.

I’m very knowledgeable but I also use an ASI1600MM. Perhaps this might help:

  1. If you are using the ACOM driver (ASI Camera(1) for example). Check the USB speed setting. If it’s too slow or too fast it will slow down the download speed. In my computer 70 gives me the highest speed.
  2. The new SGPro version 3.0 has a new driver for ZWO cameras. This is much faster. Not as fast as Sharcap though.
  3. Also try checking the “Use high speed download” box in the control panel. However, this is supposed to help only when using the focus.
    Good luck!

I meant to say I’m not very knowledgeable!!!

Also I noticed the saving time improved a lot when I switched to a solid state hard drive. My total download + saving time on a 1x1 picture is about 2 seconds total.