Backing up SGPro License / Config file before clean installing Windows


For problems unrelated to SGPro I plan to do a clean install of Windows.

Can you please tell me where the license file and config files are kept and how to back up / reinstall them, to minimise the re-setup effort afterwards? I have the latest 2.x version.


No need to backup your license. Just register a new machine (you can also remove your old one if you like).

Your sequence files are wherever you’ve previously saved them. Your Profiles will be in your AppData:


I have emailed support but I am hoping I may get a faster answer here.

I have reinstalled Windows but I am having a hard time trying to re-registering the machine in SGPro (it is exactly the same machine, just with clean install of Windows 10). When type in my user name (i.e. my PayPal email address) and my password (not the original one MainSequenceSoftware sent me, but one that I reset a few times), the software said something about padding invalid and would not re-register the machine. I logged into the website using the same user name and password and I can see that I still have two valid license left. I am at a loss as to why it would not work. Can someone please help!


Be sure to install all the windows updates and you’ll want to make sure you have the .net framework 4.7.2 installed as well.
