Beta - Exception in FindStars

i am having pretty good luck with - i can post all the AFPacks tomorrow morning. i have been able to increase my step size from 20 to 40 and HFRs at the extreme ends of the Vs look quite reasonable - no “wings” and no low HFRs at the ends.

ok - here are some AFPacks from last night. the only interesting thing here is that in the very first pack: initially focus was off (to the inside) so the initial move was not out of focus to the outside far enough. there was actually a V curve but there were not enough points on the right side, so SGP could not calculate a slope. this caused it to re-start, which is what’s seen in the 2nd pack. from there on out everything looks great.

overall this is pretty awesome; in the past i had to make my step size small so that the stars did not become donuts.


Here’s my Drop Box folder with AFPacks from last night using v2.5.1.3.
Not the prettiest curves, but a damn site better than anything before. This is the first time since I re-commissioned the Atik 383L+ that it’s been able to get an autofocus. Two likely reasons for the success are:

  1. Your excellent work in continually improving the software.
  2. Clear skies, first in a long while.


I continue this post but I am not sure it is the right place…
First, thank you for the new beta release, the v2.5.1.4 woks better on my images, the star detection is greatly improved, ready to a real test in sky (may be this night.
May be it remains some problems, in star detection (see the picture) but may be this is normal.
Another little thing, Ken, may be it would be a good idea to create a true ‘open image icon’ as the arrow is very small and sometime hard to click in small screen and cold environment …
I will let you know the AF behavior in real conditions as quick as possible.
Thank you again.