Beta 313 - Sequencer window title bar does not show Equipment or User Profile

I’ve only recently started using the Beta versions so I don’t know how long ago this has changed.

I notice that while running Beta 307 and 313, the active Equipment and User Profile are no longer shown next to the Sequence Name in the Sequencer title bar.

Has this been removed intentionally? I always liked being able to verify that the correct equipment profile was assigned to a given sequence.

I think that the equipment profile was intentional, not sure about the user profile. I also would prefer to see these displayed in the title bar of the sequence. In some cases, however, one makes a small change during use of the profile for that object/sequence and that would stick when the sequence is saved so the profile in that sequence would not be exactly the same as that saved in the profile manager in those cases.

My suggestion would be to still display (in the sequence title bar) the names of the profiles originally used for that sequence but to add an asterisk if a profile has been changed so that the profile in the sequence is in any way different than that saved in the profile manager. Best of both worlds that way.

Yes, this was removed intentionally because it promotes an idea that the profile has anything at all to do with a sequence. The profile is just a template, once the sequence is created, it will use the values present in that template, but it is never tied to it… at this point the sequence and profile can vary independently. After 3.1, we will consider adding some way to determine what the last profile applied to a sequence was, but we do want to avoid implying that they are linked.

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Thank you!
I for one am very happy that you removed the profile name from the title bar. It was always very frustrating to see a profile name associated with a sequence when in reality changing anything in that profile after the sequence was created had no effect on the sequence whatsoever unless you explicitly apply the profile again to that sequence. I have seen so many people giving incorrect information about this topic to new users. Hopefully this change will help reduce the propagation of misinformation about profiles.

