Bulk 'Mark image as bad' in Image history

A bad night of high haze or humidity and in the morning there’s a load of images that don’t make the grade with a high FWHM or too few stars.

At the moment each image has to be marked as bad individually… Would be good if these could be bulk selected with the ‘shift’ key or similar instead of having to go through each one. When there’s so few stars or the FWHM is high I don’t even need to check them, they are fit for the bin and nothing else.


Under menu option “Tools | Image Grader” use the tool “FITS Image Grader”.
Works wonders. Lets you do exactly what you want. It’s a good idea to always use this to grade your images and throw out the bad ones.

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Using this Image grader though doesn’t automatically adjust your sequence numbers does it? So you’d have to go in manually and update this if you change images to ‘bad’?

No, renumbering is not required. The Image Grader renames all the images you checked as “BAD” by prepending “BAD” to their names. This makes them sort together so it is easy to delete them, if you want. All happens automatically. Just check all the ones you consider bad then click the “Mark Checked Bad” button. Or you can do the opposite and use the “Mark Checked Good” button.
Wonderful feature. I use it for every target.

Sorry I didn’t make myself clear…In image history when you mark an image as bad it automatically reduces the number in that sequence by that amount… So if I mark three images as bad from the night, then the sequence will automatically change the number of subs in that sequence so that without any effort I can easily continue to capture the right amount of subs.

I tried to use the Image grader today and got I a real pickle over having to individually amend each filter for each target.

I have not had any issues like this.

I am doing a 6 pane mosaic with 4 filters in each pane… It’s very difficult to keep a track of what pane and what filter has a sub labelled as bad… It is easier if it automatically decreases the sequence.

I really don’t understand what your issue is here. Sounds to me like you are not including the name of the pane in your file naming. The bad images all start with the word “BAD”. So they can be instantly identified and deleted. If the file name contains the name of the pane, you also know which panes had bad images.

Sure i have included the relevant pane in the naming of the subs… All I think is that if when you marked a sub as bad it automatically deleted one from that relevant sequence it would be easier than having to do it yourself…I like the way that the Image history does that for you.

I use BLINK in PI. (you can flip through them like an animation at any speed. But I’ll look into SGP’s fits grader. Never noticed it!