Camera disconection

Just checked the log is for the correct version and is on my web page
did you click on right link " trial sgp log at bottom "



Ah, no. I went straight to the Apr 19th logs…

Looks like everything was fine until we tried to handle an abort message. SGPro indicates it requested an abort, waited until it was aborted and then when it asked to take the next exposure, the driver throws up and says that the camera is still exposing.

does the camera / ascom driver report the abort ?? how is it handled


Ok SX / Ascom man are looking at this for me and in the mean time I can almost make the sgp crash at will with starting/ aborting a image .
Even if this is a SX problem , can SGP handle this error better other than crashing ??

Many thanks


It’s possible, but this is one of the dangers of being the parent process of software we don’t control. If that software encounters a low level system issue that it does not handle, the whole process is taken down with it…

We see an error and handle it without crashing:

[04/20/17 08:47:19.529][DEBUG] [Camera Thread] ASCOM Camera Error : StartExposure called while in state cameraExposing

Then… because the logs just end abruptly, it seems we may not even get a chance to handle the error that crashed SGPro.

I do not know if the camera is crashing sgp or sgp is crashing the camera .
How do you ask if the camera is ready for a exposure


You can either ask the camera for its state or ask it to take an exposure and handle any errors.


How does SGP ask the camera Please ?

From astro art logs I see this Base.Camera::ImageReady get returns False

I do not see this in a SGP Log , is this a camera query ?

As you might see I Have no skill in programing , just poking the wood pile :slight_smile:


I’m not really sure what you are after…


Then, if the call is not successful, we handle errors and continue.


For what ever reason , trying to handle the errors is not working , that’s why I was asking if you asked for its state first

Again IMO ( unskilled we know :slight_smile: ) Avoiding errors seems a better way to me



Right, I understand what you are asking, but the code you are referring actually does handle errors properly. It’s the part after that that is not logged at all. There are all sorts of things in SGPro that ask a thing to perform an action… getting state and asking “are you sure?” before each one is tedious and unnecessary… after all none of things are supposed to cause a crash.


I gave Bret a test build where SGPro will block the sequence (or any subsequent activity) until the camera successfully acknowledges the abort call. I have no way to tell if it works, but Bret has indicated it fixed the issue he was looking into.

Bret seems to have fixed a few problems for me and hopefully with your new build will help as well
look forward to it

A bit cheeky I know , but when will the next Beta version be out please

would like to see if its help cure my problems

Many Thanks


Not 100% sure when we will formally release, but here is the build we provided to Bret (not an installer, replace your SGPro exe):


Cheers Ken :slight_smile:

will see If I can break it



Looks like we might be on a winner :slight_smile:
can not get SGP to crash ==============Yet :pray:

If the frame and focus buttons were greyed out as well while aborting , things would be very pretty

Many thanks


try harder

Hi Just tried for 3 hours

No crashes , tried thrashing it but nope still going

There is always tomorrow to try though :slight_smile:
