Connecting Camera

I’ve been using SGPro for some years in Windows 7 and have just moved to a Windows 10 machine. After downloading all camera and ASCOM drivers, etc. and checking that my computer Device Manager is recognizing my Atik 490 camera (which it is), I cannot get SGPro to see the camera on the dropdown list in the Equipment Profile setup. I’m sure there must be a step I’ve forgotten. I’ve tried on the previous SGPro version as well as the just-released updated version with no luck.

Any suggestions cheerfully appreciated. Thanks.
Jim R.


The Atik camera will show up after you have installed the ASCOM driver. It seems like you probably only have the camera’s native driver installed right now.

Evidently true. Nonetheless, when in doubt, I uninstalled/reinstalled everything, and it works now. Apparently I missed a step somewhere in the initial setup, but the second time was the charm. Many thanks for the quick reply.

  • Jim