Creating a target by typing in star name or Messier number

I’m currently running a trial version of SG Pro and wondered if there was a simple way to create targets (i.e. define RA/DEC positions) by simply typing in a star name or M or NGC number to avoid having to type in RA/DEC values which is time-consuming and error-prone. I’ve also tried getting target positions from DSO-browser and Stellarium and have failed with both of these. Can you recommend the quickest way to set up a target.

Sure, try the Framing & Mosiac Wizard (Tools Menu), it is, in my opinion, the best tool in SGP.


Thanks Bob.Looks interesting - I’ll try this out.

I agree with Bob! The FMW is just a fantastic tool for getting your target’s coords into SGP. Just using coords from planetarium software, or an RA/dec list always puts your object center of frame. The FMW allows you to quickly see if that is really the best composition. Often, it is not.

Yes. As Bob says, try with Framing & Mosaic Wizard. You will love it.

I use images from Astrobin. Just copy and paste from the address bar into the Object field and watch the magic happen. This assumes that the image has been plate solved by astrobin.

Thanks all for your suggestions. The Framing & Mosaic Wizard looks a bit complex for a newbie like me to use for just entering a target’s coordinates but I’m finding the Astrobin copy and paste quite handy. I decided it was easiest just to create a default sequence that has all my favorite targets in it - only took me a couple of hours and now I can just tick on the targets I want to use in a particular session.

Try also here you can make a list of exactly the objects you can or want to see from your backyard. This list can then be imported directly into the SGP. This way you can make an observation list in just a few minutes. I think it is a fantastic tool.

best regards

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