Debayer function to convert the monochrome FITS to color, and then a color adjust or color balance function

None of us using OSC will pay for an upgrade or new version unless this is built. RASA is taking over the market with OSC. Imaging at those speeds a CCD nor a Mono camera is needed. Some people just apply there personal feeling to there business which only limits them.

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You are speaking for the community now?

I don’t know what this means… but it’s safe to say that all of my replies are unprofessional. We do what we can… this is a side project, it doesn’t make much money. It’s hard to give everyone what they want. Snark will get you nowhere…

I am unsure of what it is people are after here. Don’t get me wrong… I understand what you are asking, just not why. The title reads “then a color adjust or color balance function”. Please elaborate here. Is this giving you feedback that will adjust how you capture the rest of the data for this target? If so, what?

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haha got your attention! You know we all love you, & your software!

I hope you meant to say “professional”

I assure you I did not.

Perfect. All this silliness aside, I am curious to understand the genesis of this request (please see my question above).

Missed the question. It is meant for two reasons.

First is to appease the many people who come to our houses wanting to see a pretty picture within a certain time frame of there limited patience. Which means i have to use another program that does not compare to SG Pro to accomplish what they want. Which is why i am willing to pay my hard earned money to you for making my task easier.

My second reason is using a OSC camera some objects are out of my reach or not worth the amount of time it would take to get an acceptable result. I can usually tell this by the color preview of a 5 minute exposure. I know whether or not i want to spend the next 6 hours on that object.

I am by far NO expert. But i hope my layman answer helps somewhat.


PS: Thanks for listening

“Here’s one I prepared earlier” Just about every TV programme explaining things has this. Cookery programmes especially. People understand that time is needed to get a good result

DSS Live is claimed to do a good job of registering and stacking images, would this do what’s needed for a quick view?

Thank you Chris but this has been suggested before. I am looking for a all in one solution which SGP is becoming very close to being. I have enough other software running to clog up two monitors and i don’t need any more.

What is so terrible about running more than one application? The whole software system development for the last 40 years has been devoted to multitasking - running more than one application at a time.

SGP is already based on multiple applications, writen by a multitude of different people, all working together. If you were to eliminate all the code written by developers other than Ken and Jared then SGP wouldn’t work at all. Why baulk at this?

And if Ken and Jared were to implement this it would probably work in the same way. It isn’t central to the core functionality of SGP so the sensible way to implement it is as a separate module. That way it’s less likely to interfere with the core functionality.

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Chris, the conversation was between myself & Ken. Thanks

If you wish to communicate privately then use a private messaging system, don’t post on a public forum.

My reply was public, to the whole forum, and my question stands, what is so terrible about running more than one application?

We understand you all want this functionality. We’ll consider it.

Locking this thread as it’s getting out of hand.
