DSO Import sets wrong coordinates

Hello ,
When i use the DSO importer i get funny coordinates.

Can anyone help me out please.
thx ,


Here is my logfile.
sg_logfile_20170806180406.txt (19.7 KB)


I don’t have a definitive answer to your question but I suspect it is a localization issue in the way your system handles date and time separators. I imported your DSO list into SGP here and got the correct RA/DEC coordinates for the Dumbbell Nebula.

Maybe Ken or Jared can shed some light.

Hello i had an similar .

i switched my desktop to “American” from Germany in time , day montch year… maybe it helps to

Hello, I had similar issues. And investigating a bit more, the decimal delimiter is only what you need to adjust. To change the delimiter from a coma to point in the regional settings is less invasive than changing the entire regional settings.

Hello ,
thx for the replies: seems that time and date have to be set in American notation ( M.D.Y) instead of D.M.Y.
It works fine now.


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