Error cannot create AF object

Ik want to use the center of the field for autofocuser.
So I try FWHM and run but I get the error :Auto focus failed, cannot create AF object for Full With Half Max.
Pls advice, Hugo

The SGP manual (page 125) says: This metric requires that Pinpoint is installed!

Is Pinpoint installed?


No, pls where can I find it?

Regards Hugo

Just switch back to HFR. But if you want PinPoint you can purchase it from here


Well, I have a problem that the camera is not exact parallel, so or the left is focused or the right.
Assumed that SGP is using the average of the HFR then the middle is not exact focused.
So I want to use the stars only in the middle.
Maybe you can make a place/section of interest so it will focus only on that area.
Regards Hugo

You can specify a crop amount:

Thank you,

This is super, thank you!!!