Flats Wizzard question

I have set under my profile under the Filter Set, specific exposure times and flat box (Alnitak flat man) levels for the different filter types. When using the Flats Wizzard, it creates a sequence with Flats according to my Lights. However, it doesn’t import my exposure time per flat or number of flats per filter (as set I the profile under the filter settings). Strangely however, it does apply the different flat box brightness settings per the profile. I this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?

Thank you

Ok, I now know. If you enter manually into your profile the filter / flat data, it doesn’t seem to get imported in your sequence via the Flats Wizzard. However, if you do it via the Flats Calibration Wizzard, everything works fine.
So certainly works for me as the Flats Calibration Wizzard is great.