Frame Number Problem

I am using the $fz key in my file name to generate succeeding frame numbers such as .0001-.0005. If I happen to interrupt a sequence near the end or it finishes and I want to run another 5 frames more the frame numbers break numerical order. I.E; last frame number is .0005, when the sequence begins again it starts numbering the files with .0001-1 instead of picking up at say using frame number .0006.

Is there a work-around to correct the frame numbering output?

Just started using SGPRO so I don’t have full grasp on it’s operation.


So, I had occasion to test this yesterday, running a new darks library…

I already had a sequence set up for 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 min unbinned darks, 11 exposures each, that I had already run a few days ago, It was only when I came to create the masters that I realised I wanted 21 of each, plus I needed to create a set of 2x2 binned 2 min subs. None of the events had a suffix set up for them.

So, I created a new event for 2x2 2 min subs and changed the number of exposures for each of the other events from 11 to 21, I also reset the Target’s Completed status, and ran the sequence.

The result is that SGP correctly numbered the additional 10 subs for each of the original events - i.e. frame number 12 of the 1min 1x1 dark was correctly numbered as 0012 not 0001-1.

However, the 2x2 binned event WAS numbered as 0001-1 and I think this is because I did not change the suffix for the new event. If I had added 2x2BIN or some other suffix, I suspect it would have been fine.

I’ve not experienced the behaviour you are reporting in the event of a sequence being interrupted… it always numbers correctly for me at least…

Don’t know if my experience above helps in anyway…

Hi Daz,

I think you may be on to something. Will experiment with the way you tried and see the result.


Did some experimentation this morning and learned that by editing the sequence progress I was able to resume an interrupted session and post correct frame numbers after resume without appending them.