Is this an Active Forum

I just downloaded a trial copy of SGPro. It looks like the perfect product for my astrophotography. Is this forum still active and a good source of advice.

plenty of people here :slight_smile:


There’s no better place for SGP users than this forum, and it is very

Even when people are not actually contributing to the conversations…you can be sure that there are plenty looking in. This is a very active place even for very inactive people :laughing:

Nobody goes here any more, it is too crowded :wink:

Lots of folks here and generally very quick and useful answers.

Thank you all for the quick answers. (I’m impressed that you’re here Harry. I have watched all of your PixInsight videos!)

I asked my question( Is this active?) because when I looked at the “Latest” topic and the date was May 23rd. I guess I have to learn how to navigate this forum.

I think I understand SGPro pretty well after one evening of experimentation. I was unfortunately not able to get local plate solving to work. I’ll be back under another topic looking for help.
