Local Astrometry server slow


Notice at the end of the log file the line:

can't setup server: Address already in use

That is what happens when you try to start ansvr when it is already running. Are you starting ansvr manually? It should start automatically when you log-in due to the icon in your Start Menu Startup folder so there should be no need to start it manually.

The log file for the actual running ansvr would be the one previous to the one you posted. That’s the one we need to look at to see if ansvr or NOVA is doing the solves.

The start menu icon “Watch Ansvr Log” shows the latest log file. In your case the latest log file is the one reporting “can’t setup server: Address already in use” since that log file was created when ansvr was already running and it was attempted to start a second instance. You can delete that log file, then the latest log file will be the real log file.


Thank you Andy. I believe that all is well now. I’m still baffled as to what the root cause of this was, and why the Nvidia driver would have been the culprit. But all’s well that ends well.