Max regions too small for ASTAP

Hi devs,
I am trying to use ASTAP as a PS2/ all in one replacement. My tests with close slews work great, but when it comes to blind solving the number of regions don’t go high enough to allow blind solving. I want to set it to say 99999 regions, but the “max regions” is about 3000 from what i have read. If this could be added and/or the drop down could become a type in box that would be great.
Thanks devs!

There has been a long standing bug with the PS2 search regions getting reset to max regions randomly. Even though I have set the search regions to 100, sometimes that gets set to the current max of 3000. When that happens it takes quite a while for my mount computer to get through all 3000 regions before it fails.

I hate to say it, but until that bug gets resolved I pretty strongly oppose this request. If the max regions were set to 99999 and the plate solve didn’t hit right away, it would literally take hours for the solve to completely fail.


I don’t believe that in the entire history of PS2 has it ever solved a frame after going past 100 regions. I have never seen it solve a frame once it has passed 10 regions. I doubt making the max any bigger will help and has serious downside as mentioned by Joel.


I’m the developer of ASTAP. ASTAP can do blindsolving (as Platesolve2 substitute) and scan the whole sky in maybe 3 minutes. I would be better if SGP had a seperate option for ASTAP as requested earlier as a feature.

For Lognic04, what I could do now is to build in ASTAP a simple line of code. For the case you enter for regions a special number e.g. something like 1234, ASTAP could do a 180 degrees search. Please contact me at the ASTAP forum or directly. Or look in the ASTAP documentation for use with SGP.


Implemented in ASTAP 0.9.194.
In SGP the PlateSolve2 setting “Max Regions” is equivalent to 3000 regions. If your image dimensions are 1x 1 degree then this will result in search in an area up to 27 degrees diameter, so not bad. In the new ASTAP version 0.9.194 this “Max Regions” setting will force a search up to 90 degrees diameter. On my computer ASTAP has reached 42 degrees distance but is then stopped by SGP on a timeout. So it is an improvement but not up to maximum. I don’t think the SGP timeout can’t be set/modified by the user.