New External Apps tab in Options

Use this to set:

  • The location of PHD2
  • The location of the default Pinpoint catalog. Each sequence (and profile) can still use its own custom catalog
  • The location of ASTAP

Thank you for ASTAP integration in the new SGP BETA version, makes me use SGP again frequently…
rather than other apps… :slight_smile:

ASTAP works on my side with the latest BETA version… Sequence Generator
SOLVING as usual very quick with ASTAP, makes me smile… :smile:


Great. We will add ASTAP as a blind solver option later. The only reason this made it in to 3.1 is because Han K made it behave like PlateSolve2 and so there was very little work to do. Not as easy with the blind solver integration… not hard either, but could destabilize 3.1


Thank you very much, ASTAP is really quick, in 2-3 seconds solved an image, where other or actually all others solvers need 10-50 seconds…

Thank you very much for getting ASTAP work in SGP…

I am already very happy with the Sequence Generator, getting ASTAP as a blind solver option would even be a dream or a wish come true…:slight_smile:

Thank you
